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The CEO's Checklist: What It Takes To Be A Successful CEO

  • By Agira Technologies
  • August 1, 2019

Ever wonder what makes a CEO highly successful? What kind of magic makes their tech business the groundbreaking merchant?
Yes, we are talking about someone who is making something big and few of them who are making it even bigger. You must have heard of Satya Nadella(Microsoft), Marc Benioff (Salesforce), Sundar Pichai (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and many more CEOs who made their ideas happen and changed the way we approach technology today. Their success stories didn’t happen in the fraction of seconds!
Let me give you a simple hint. To be successful you will need 90% of hard work and 10% of luck. You can thank later for this.
CEO checklistDo your tech inception scares the crap out of you? Or those random questions within you makes mind blow up? Though these are good signs to start with, this checklist is going to lend you the harmer to crack it up.
If you’re a new founder of a tech startup or an employee who’s visioning to start a tech business in the near future or who are striving to make a mark in the industry. This article is especially for you.
Read on!

1. You need a VISION

[tweetshare tweet=”If you want to reach a goal, you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal. – Zig Ziglar ” username=”agiratech”]
A vision motivates you to take your business forward in every aspect. With a smart strategy and competitive spirit, you’ll know what to prove and your capabilities better. Having a vision helps you choosing the right direction for your business success. And keeps to priorities straight.

2. Are you a thoughtful LEADER?

[tweetshare tweet=” A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. – John C. Maxwell ” username=”agiratech”]
Leadership is an important quality to become an entrepreneur. Leading your business with the pursuit of a clear and compelling vision to yield high performing standards can be a challenge for you. By critically assessing your staff skills and attitudes, you can bring the best of them. Give them the feeling of togetherness by empowerment and help them in staying positive all the time. When you want to be a great leader you should master in communication, hiring, training and be inspiring.

3. Have excellent TECHNICAL SKILLS

[tweetshare tweet=”Look, you need technical skills to run a company. – Carly Fiorina” username=”agiratech”]
The essential part is to have a broad knowledge of technology and also situational awareness. Though most have required technical skills in their startup, some end up having limitations in operational knowledge. During times the critical understanding of the subject and serving multiple roles in the industry can help you go ahead.

4. Find proper FUNDING/FINANCE

[tweetshare tweet=”Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship. – Benjamin Franklin” username=”agiratech”]
Controlling the money means you are controlling the future. Just as the quote, even a penny invested matters. You need to have a hawk-eye on the cash flow, fundraising, and valuation of your tech business. Become a master in the investor pitch process.

5. Always stay UPDATED

[tweetshare tweet=”Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. – Mark Twain” username=”agiratech”]
Don’t go out-dated. Be grounded to the potential. You are in an era of instant changes. Stay updated on technological trends, Never be “I didn’t know what happened”. If you have a never-ending curiosity on what’s happening in the next corner. Believe me, you are capable of transforming your ideas into reality.

6. Turn up your COURAGE

[tweetshare tweet=”Success is not final, failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill.” username=”agiratech”]
Do you have the courage to question everything? What’s the point of getting stuck when something goes wrong? You can ask questions when needed. You can make it right even things go wrong. But never give up on what you’re doing. The true face of entrepreneurship is courage!

7. The magical PATIENCE

[tweetshare tweet=”Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting. – Joyce Meyer” username=”agiratech”]
All the good things take time. You’ll need patience and persistence to survive the pressure of the industry. Patience is one of the important traits that can accelerate your chances of success. Count on the reasons why slow and steady wins the race.

8. UNDERSTAND what you really want

[tweetshare tweet=”The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities. – Stephen Covey” username=”agiratech”]
Prioritizing the goals is a prime duty of any entrepreneur. You are playing a role that needs a lot of energy and time. You’ll undergo a constant planning game, picturing what you really want to accomplish. The clarity in goals can assist you in staying committed to growing your business.

9. Get a perfect TEAM

[tweetshare tweet=”Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people. -Steve jobs ” username=”agiratech”]
Maybe, this is where your luck should work. Meeting the right people at the right time is a predictive coincidence. If you know you have the perfect team, then play your part effectively as a contributing member. Be open-minded and encourage their ideas. Build a team of excellence.

10. Be a fan of TIME MANAGEMENT

[tweetshare tweet=”80% of success is getting stuff done. -Tom Friedman” username=”agiratech”]
Is procrastination your enemy? If yes, you are ready to shoot out to your target. If no, there is no need to rush, take your time to develop the skills needed before you start. All the successful people are experts at time management and that’s why you’ll also need to plan your daily tasks effectively to make your work more productive.

11. Learn from FEEDBACKS

[tweetshare tweet=” Feedback is the breakfast of champions. – Ken Blanchard” username=”agiratech”]
Feedback can be hard to digest. Ask for it, take them as suggestions to improve rather than a black dot on your scoreboard. The ability to learn something new out of the bad can give a unique outlook of work and life. You can’t always be wrong! Have the confidence to ask for more feedback.

12. Take an affinity for HEALTH

[tweetshare tweet=”To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. -Buddha” username=”agiratech”]
How good are you in taking care of your health? It’s hard to find a definite answer to this question. But highly successful people spend time on their health and take good care of themselves. Exercising regularly to nourish your mind and to improve engagement at work. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are interlinked. To make this connection work, in the long run, you have to be healthy.

This is not the end!

Achievements can make our life more fulfilling. We can surely say every startup is a life-changing experience. Failures can target you anytime. As you are the captain of your ship, it’s in your hands to make the ship sail a pleasant one. When the storm occurs, you are responsible for safeguarding the ship. Not only storms but also care about internal mistakes!
If you really want to make a difference in the tech world, you will need a good idea and constant effort to make it come true.
Here is a catch for every tech CEO!
Think big, Never settle, Prioritize, Move forward, Have clarity, Better decisions and Stay Motivated. Without these, your entrepreneurship is never complete.
We believe that this checklist is helping you in your Tech startup journey. Hopefully, there is a long way to go.
Congrats! Agira wishes you the best!

Agira Technologies

AgiraTech is a technology company whose business services and domain solutions supports global clients who comprise the current world economy. Services we offer : Web development, Mobile App development, Blockchain, IoT and DevOps Consulting