What Is JanRain?
JanRain is a third party service that allows you to do single sign in for multiple application, you can use this service for standard registration and login process for any of your application. In other word register an account in JanRain from any one of your application and use it for multiple applications. Also it allow you for social signup like Facebook, google etc.
Why We Use JanRain?
Janrain is allowing you single sign in for multiple application, it means you can use a single user account for multiple web applications or other application, Once you register with an account then the data is stored in janrain database, this database is available for all the application which is linked with janrain.
How To Use JanRain?
Janrain is providing easy API for developers to understand, It has list of seamless APIs that contains JavaScript API and RestAPI as well. So you can test it and implement easily.
Way Of Integration (RestAPI & JavaScript API)
Janrain integration is very easy for developers because Janrain is providing default flows and screens for standard registration. Eg- signup, signin, forgot password, reset password, social login.. Etc.
All the screen and flows are customizable. So, you can add new field in the flow and screens and you can design it accordingly as per your requirement.
Some Snippet For Creating A Form Field/Entity With JanRain:
To create any form field/entity we need to call the desired API with the required credentials
Configuration Endpoints – https://docs.janrain.com/api/configuration-api/
It includes
- Adding/Updating flows
- Adding/Updating fields
- Adding/Updating forms
- Adding/Updating screens
- Adding/Updating mail templates
For better understanding, i have shared here few of the screenshots,
Adding/Updating flows
Adding / Updating forms
Adding/Updating mail templates
Entity Endpoints – https://docs.janrain.com/api/registration/entity/
An entity is a record in your Registered application. Use the /Entity.* calls to view, add, edit, or delete entities from your records.
Some useful links for developers:
- REST API – https://docs.janrain.com/api/registration/entity/
- JavascriptAPI – https://docs.janrain.com/registration/javascript-api/
Enable user to register or log in once and effortlessly navigate across your multiple websites without needing to log in again. Single sign-on creates a better customer experience and reduces abandonment by keeping your user logged in across as many of your sites as you want.
Social Login
Janrain provides more than 10 social signin option for users, like Facebook, Google, Twitter and more with a simple flow and good UI.
Other Advantages
- Reducing password fatigue from different user name and password combinations.
- Improve user experience through automatic login.
- Improved Security.
- Easier Accounts Management.
- Best for all users, that they need not to remember multiple username and password for different web/app.
The only disadvantage is it’s has a limit after that we need to pay for this service.
It’s Paid Service (Free up to 2500 users/year).
If you are planning for a small application and your target users is less than (< 2500), then this is the best option for single sign in application. In future if you want to use for more than (> 2500) users, you can use the paid version to run your application and business seamlessly.
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