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How To Choose The Right Database For Your Web Application

  • By Agira Technologies
  • June 21, 2018

When we think of creating a new application for our business, we might be aroused with so many questions to find the diverse goals of application that are aimed to serve. But, the very basic yet powerful question we must ask is “what are the apt front and back end technologies that could help to build the strong website.” It’s quite challenging to choose the right database but still the best decision to sort out the remarkable solution to make a healthy website.

Identify your business Goal & Map it With Data Strategy

Have you found out the Business goal of your application? While rounding up the goal, Don’t be too generic in it. Identically, figure out the features and goals of the application that you are planning to serve for your customers.
Mapping your goal with data strategy might be crucial. However, it could definitely set your business straight without losing its focus from the users. So understanding the type of data we’re going to handle is the most primary factor.
For example, Standard databases have been used to handle the online transactions in most cases as it helps to record and store the transnational data into your database. Similarly, identify your goal & map with data storage. Having a goal but don’t have an idea to map it with database operations. Don’t confuse, we will narrow down to the results to make you understand the fundamental functionalities and the primary features of all databases.
Let’s understand the origin first,

Relational Databases

Structured data falls under Relational database where the data get stored in organized rows & column with the specified schemas which help to search queries easily. So, queries from both algorithms or human are easily searchable. Unstructured data will not follow an organized approach to handle the data, and it’s rather difficult to run the queries. But you can solve if you know what you’re exactly looking to search. In most cases, This lack of structured data remains complex and consumes more time to load.
Relational databases are used to handle structured data where all the data will be structured & related to specific schemas. Plus, it remains easy to search, so it’s even easier to access the data. Some of the most used Relational databases are PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite.

Non-Relational Databases

These databases mostly handle non-structured data where we can incorporate any sort of data and eventually helps users to make the changes in real-time. Some of the popular Non-Relational Databases are MongoDB, Cassandra, Redi, Apache.
MY SQL is a fully functional Relational Database
If your site needs to hold too many hierarchies or need to maintain the relationship among diverse entities, then you can use My SQL which strongly supports the relationship between the entities. So, this approach of MySQL can help us to separate or filter the data where we can’t expect the same in MongoDB.
Relational vs non relational
ImageSource from: Slideshare
To be more precise, the below type of sites can be effectively handled by MYSQL database, here we list few,

  • E-commerce
  • Automated assistance for customers
  • Online retailers

When you can’t use MySQL,

Definitely we can’t go behind MySQL when it comes to handling big datasets because it can’t handle the data large volume. In that case, Mongo DB is the primary option to handle the massive data. Also, We can’t use clustering features in MySQL as it takes more time to cluster.
So if your site is aimed to hold big datasets then don’t prefer MySQL instead you can strongly recommend MongoDB.

ALSO READ: The key differences between SQL and NoSQL databases

Why & When should you use MongoDB?

MongoDB can help both Startups and enterprises for handling both low level & high-level data. Also, it’s even flexible to manage or scale the data because it stores all the data as documents. Apparently, you don’t need a complex model as it basically comes with easy to handle approach.

ALSO READ: Which Is Best? Aggregation or Map Reduce | MongoDb

Other Limitations Of MongoDB

  • If you want to place all your data’s in the table then MongoDB is not for you.
  • Due to the document type or unstructured data storage, MongoDB cannot guarantee us the full data protection. It will not provide scalability if we use it as a primary database for a thousand plus machines.
  • If you want to relate or want to sort out the relationship between entities, then don’t go behind MongoDB.

Sharp Notes

Before making a decision, walk through these points that ensure to choose the right database,

  • Analyze the structure of your website and calculate the amount of data you want to store or retrieve
  • Figure out whether your application has a need to use multiple databases or it needs to establish multiple relationships between these databases
  • Apart from the primary database, it’s a good practice to keep subordinate databases to store and retrieve some additional features
  • Clearly set the read-write permissions of the app while modelling the structure.

Analyze these points and map with the above-mentioned database guidelines to choose the right database that fits for your requirements.
Also, check out the advantages of some popular Databases,


The most famous SQL relational database can be used for both start up’s & large enterprises.
• Help you to create a replica of Database to reduce the workload.
• Increased Scalability
• Allow you to divide the databases into small chunks to make use of low-level servers.


This object-relational database helps you to achieve great customer service and reliability.
• Provides great platform support
• Better scalability and Reliable
Note: Oracle recently released a NoSQL database.


The most popular NoSQL database, an open-source that provides greater customer service.
• With enhanced Dynamic schema you can improve your data without affecting the existing data.
• Provides great scalability and high performance.

Apache CouchDB

It makes the perfect utilization of JSON and JavaScript for various database operations.
• Will allow us to access your databases through the web browser.
• More flexible and easy replication.
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